Error Documentation

This document describes the error responses returned by the API, along with their corresponding status codes and error codes.

Error Response Structure

The error response returned by the API has the following structure:

interface ErrorResponse {
  error: {
    code: string;
    message: string;
    details?: { [key: string]: any };
  status: number;


error: An object containing the error code, error message and optional error details. status: The HTTP status code that corresponds to the error.

Error Codes and Messages

The following table describes the error codes, messages and status codes that can be returned by the API:

Error CodeError MessageStatus Code
EMAIL_IN_USEThe email you entered is already in use, please try another one.409
REGISTRATION_ERRORError during registration.500
INVALID_PASSWORDThe password you entered does not meet the required security standards. Please try a different password.400
INVALID_EMAILThe email you entered is not in a valid format.400
EMAIL_NOT_VERIFIEDThe email provided has not been verified.403
EMAIL_ALREADY_VERIFIEDThis email is already verified.403
INVALID_CREDENTIALSThe email or password you entered is incorrect.401
SERVER_ERRORAn internal server error occurred. Please try again later.500
USER_NOT_FOUNDThe provided email address or token could not be found in our system.404
EXPIRED_OR_INVALID_LINKExpired or invalid link.404
EXPIRED_OR_INVALID_CODEExpired or invalid code.404
LOGIN_ERRORError during login.500
EMAIL_VERIFICATION_ERRORError during email verification.500
EMAIL_VERIFICATION_DISABLEDEmail verification is not enabled for this application.400
APPLICATION_NOT_FOUNDThe application could not be found with the provided X-Authc1-Id.404
MESSAGE_REJECTEDThe email message was rejected by Amazon SES.400
INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUEAn invalid value was provided for one of the request parameters.400
CREDENTIALS_ERRORThe provided AWS credentials are invalid.401
MAIL_FROM_DOMAIN_NOT_VERIFIEDThe Mail-From domain is not verified.400
ACCOUNT_SUSPENDEDThe AWS account has been suspended.403
CONFIGURATION_SET_DOES_NOT_EXISTThe specified configuration set does not exist.400
CREATE_APPLICATION_ERRORError occurred while creating the application.500
INVALID_INPUTThe request payload does not contain valid data.400